Cómo descargar phoenix ios 9.3.5
iOS 9 firmware from saw Apple start to crack down on Cydia development as they began introducing security features that would make things hard, features that were designed with the best of intentions, of protecting users and their data. While Apple has tried their best to thwart jailbreak developers and while it has taken some time, the right exploit has finally been found in iOS 9 to update Una nueva herramienta de Jailbreak ha sido liberada.La herramienta se llama Phoenix y hace posible que los usuarios del sistema operativo de iOS 9.3.5 puedan realizarle Jailbreak a su dispositivo.Phoenix es capaz de hacer un semi-jailbreak a un iPhone de 32 bits.Aunque esta versión no significa mucho en el mundo del Jailbreak, debido a que es para una versión de iOS antigua, para aquellos